On 03/26/14 18:43, Stuart Cassoff wrote:
> It would be nice to have a newer version of Pharo but that requires
> a Cog vm and we only have an "Interpreter" vm.
> A trial build of the Cog vm revealed that we don't have ucontext.h which it 
> seems to want,
> looks deprecated and will probaly never show up in OpenBSD so I stopped there 
> for now.
> I think that the Cog vm is important. More things will need it.

Baby steps. I'm starting to understand.

I just now managed to build a working Cog 'stack vm' and I can run Pharo 2 and 
3 with it as well as Squeak.
A simple matter of configure options and reading documentation. :p

So we should be able to have more than one vm now,
which brings its own set of problems like where should the sources go.


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