Please find attached a port for the PolarSSL SSL library. From

"PolarSSL makes it trivially easy for developers to include cryptographic
and SSL/TLS capabilities in their (embedded) products, facilitating this
functionality with a minimal coding footprint.
PolarSSL offers an SSL library with an intuitive API and readable source
code, so you can actually understand what the code does. Also the
PolarSSL modules are as loosely coupled as possible and written in the
portable C language. This allows you to use the parts you need, without
having to include the total library."

Comments, criticisms and improvements welcome; thanks for taking the
time to look at it!


P.S. This submission is not intended to be a commentary on
Heartbleed/OpenSSL/OpenTLS; I just wanted to run some software that
relies on PolarSSL on OpenBSD, and figured I'd share.

Attachment: polarssl.tgz
Description: application/tar-gz

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