On 2014-04-18 15:57:06, David Coppa <dco...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, 25 Mar 2014, Landry Breuil wrote:
> > So, after playing flawlessly for 3 hours, it stopped again. Looked at
> > the mpdstate file, time had a regular value, but mpd didnt save it yet.
> > pkill -9 mpd to really force-stop it, at that point it saved the mpdstate
> > with time: -2147483648
> > restarted mpd.. mpc still says the currently played track is the one
> > which was playing before getting stuck. Mpd will only play one track before
> > getting stuck.
> > Kill mpd, set time to 0 in mpdstate, restart mpd. works fine.
> Maybe this is better... Can you try it?

Been running this for three days now.  There was one hiccup that I
thought was similar to what had been happening previously, but I
have not been able to duplicate it since restarting mpd.

I'd like to run with it for a bit longer to make certain it's
still pretty stable, but other than that one hiccup, it's been
running without any issues so far.


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