
On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 7:14 AM, frantisek holop <min...@obiit.org> wrote:
> hmm, on Wed, May 21, 2014 at 06:55:01AM -0700, Ryan Boggs said that
>> > i was also wondering, was the basehttp.py
>> > local patch ever pushed upstream?  was it
>> > rejected?
>> Yes, I tried pushing it upstream some time ago but they didn't like
>> how it was constructed nor did they do anything with it.  I created
>> that patch to get rid of an erroneous error message that occurred when
>> hitting Ctrl-C to exit the test server (which is how they instruct you
>> to shut it off).  I wouldn't say it is crucial but it makes things
>> less scary when testing.
> i think if upstream rejected it, it could be dropped.
> it has no effect on production and in the end it is
> just band-aid for a non-issue (nothing personal ;-)...
Hmm, I'm just worried about people panicking over nothing when that
occurs.  I'm not tied to the patch because, as you said, it doesn't
impact how it works but the error should be addressed somehow.  If
this situation was described in the readme (or somewhere appropriate
in the port) so there was reference about it for the users, then I
would be ok in dropping the patch altogether.
>> I tried your patch on a fresh machine and besides the local patch not
>> updating, the unit test is still failing for me for the
>> test_template_loader_postmortem_notreadable test.  We were having the
>> same issue with the 1.6.4 patch as well.
> this is strange, no failed test here except the
> expected ones.
Yeah, this has been occurring in 1.6.3 and 1.6.4 diffs for me on
different machines.  I think Remi ran into it too on the 1.6.4 diff as
well after a fresh install.
> -f
> --
> reality is just another illusion.

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