
Please find attached a new port textproc/bibtex2hmtl.

bibtex2html is a collection of tools for translating from BibTeX to
HTML. Please see https://www.lri.fr/~filliatr/bibtex2html/ for details.

I appreciate any tests and comments. Already tested on i386.

Two comments:

1) With USE_SYSTRACE=Yes in /etc/mk.conf, "make fake" complains about
some "mkdir -p". It is innocent but is there a policy to get rid of such

2) CONFIGURE_ARGS += --docdir=${PREFIX}/share/doc/bibtex2html does not
work. Consequently, manuals end up in doc/ instead of share/doc/. Any
ideas for a simple fix?

Best regards,

Attachment: bibtex2html.tar.gz
Description: application/tar-gz

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