On 2014/10/14 14:52, Lars wrote:
> Hi,
> I am doing a test install on a recent snapshot to find out if/how/how well
> roundcubemail runs on openbsd-httpd. I have the latest (available as
> package) php version installed:
> $ pkg_info | grep php
> php-5.5.16          server-side HTML-embedded scripting language
> php-curl-5.5.16     curl URL library extensions for php5
> php-fpm-5.5.16      stand-alone FPM version of PHP
> php-mcrypt-5.5.16   mcrypt encryption/decryption extensions for php5
> php-pdo_mysql-5.5.16p0 PDO mysql database access extensions for php5
> php-pspell-5.5.16   pspell library extensions for php5
> php-zip-5.5.16      zip functions for php5

Ports/packages are only geared up towards supporting a single version
of PHP.

> However when I try to install roundcubemail the package it insists on using
> php-5.4.32:
> $ sudo pkg_add -vs roundcubemail
> Update candidates: quirks-2.23 -> quirks-2.23 (ok)
> quirks-2.23 signed on 2014-10-10T11:41:36Z
> |No change in quirks-2.23Ambiguous: choose dependency for
> roundcubemail-1.0.3:
>  a       0: php-5.4.32
>          1: php-5.4.32-ap2
> Is there a specific reason for that? I would like to stick with a single
> version of php if possible. I couldn't find any information saying
> roundcubemail is not working with php 5.5. What am i missing?

Roundcube should probably be OK with 5.5, and you can install both
versions of PHP in parallel (except for php-fpm; but that won't be a
forced dependency so you can just pick whichever version you want
for that).

Problem is with PHP extension modules outside of the main php release,
as these are compiled for the "default" PHP version in port (5.4 at
present). So e.g. you won't be able to use things like pecl-memcache,
xcache, etc from packages with php-5.5 until the default version is
flipped over. (If you want to try it yourself building things from
ports you can change MODPHP_VERSION in php.port.mk and rebuild
everything depending on it).

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