On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 11:28:20PM -0400, Predrag Punosevac wrote:
> I am trying to use virt-manager on a snapshot both OS and ports from
> 10th of August (should be very close to November 1st release).
> predrag@oko$ uname -a
> OpenBSD oko.bagdala2.net 5.6 GENERIC.MP#333 amd64
> virt-manager compiles and runs fine. I can see the status of all KVM
> hosts on the remote location (btw I am using openconnect to connect to
> that location and it works like a charm). However trying to open vnc for
> a particular machine gives error 
> Error launching details: cannot import name GtkVnc

$ pkglocate GtkVnc                                             

Did you try installing that?


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