
I've just upgrade my server to 5.6 and having trouble starting Sogo. When
starting Sogo I get the following error:

  [ERROR] <0x0x99ae0049590[WOWatchDog]> unable to listen on specified
  port, check that no other process is already using it

I've configured Sogo to use and netstat -na shows that
that port is not used. I've also removed the configuration of the WOPort
but getting the same error. Any suggestions on what I'm doing wrong?

OS: OpenBSD 5.6 AMD64
GNUSTEP: gnustep-base-1.24.6p1; gnustep-libobjc2-1.7p0;
SOPE: sope-; ope-mysql-
SOGO: sogo-

Kind regards,

Martijn Rijkeboer

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