On 3/24/15, unix_li...@f-m.fm <unix_li...@f-m.fm> wrote:
> Forgive my ignorance but which of the openfiles-* do I bump? I tried
> adjusting them all to 20000 and I got a ulimit error. Also, I could no
> longer login to KDE.
Under you user's class (check it with sudo chsh <username> [maybe
there is better way?])
Increase openfiles-max and or openfiles-cur.  Maximum allowed and
current (the starting value).

I increase -max, but leave -cur alone which might not be convenient
for you since you run KDE already.  My script simply calls ulimit -n
4096 before running owncloud.  Since ulimit is restricted to the
current shell, only owncloud gets the extra resources.  Of course any
malicious program could ask for more, up to the max, if it wanted to.


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