On 2015/07/26 15:22, Bryan C. Everly wrote:
> Steven,
> My apologies.  I missed your arc4random() comment in the original
> message.  The attached tarball contains all of your suggestions now.

: -#define R(_ceil) ((u32)(random() % (_ceil)))
: +#define R(_ceil) ((u32)(arc4random() % (_ceil)))

this should use arc4random_uniform

: +    sprintf(fq_fname, "/usr/local/share/skipfish/%s", fname);

/usr/local in the patch should change to ${TRUEPREFIX} so that the
${SUBST_CMD} in pre-configure does the right thing

: +#define SIG_FILE                

is this supposed to be a user-editable file? if so, it should use
${SYSCONFDIR} (with SUBST_CMD as necessary, and add an associated
@sample line in the plist to copy it into place.

:         ${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${PREFIX}/share/skipfish
:         ${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${PREFIX}/share/skipfish/assets

INSTALL_DATA_DIR creates parent directories, no need for the
first line here.

We're heading into release mode and commits to ports need to slow right
down now, so don't be disheartened if this doesn't make it in before 5.8.

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