Hi ports@,

I ran into the following issue regarding Qt 5 and C++11.

/usr/local/lib/qt5/mkspecs/openbsd-g++/qmake.conf from the qt-5 port
contains the following lines:
    22  QMAKE_CXX               = g++
    24  QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_CXX11    = -std=c++11

So when we try to compile C++11 code, qmake-qt5 tries to pass -std=c++11
to g++, which results in the following error:
c11plus: error: unrecognized command line option "-std=c++11"

Of course, g++ in base does not support C++11. So how are we going
to compile C++11 code now?

One possibility would be to put QMAKE_CXX = eg++ in qmake.conf, which
would result in a RUN_DEPENDS on g++ in ports, I think. I verified that
it works. One disadvantage of this is that people who just use Qt 5 to
run programs (rather than compiling programs) also will have g++ from
ports installed.

What do you think?

Best regards,
Caspar Schutijser

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