
Well, the instructions I provided show exactly how to get the BitcoinD 0.11.2 port going, however, it uses GCC 4.8 for the compilation.

Using OpenBSD's GCC version should work but will require a bit of experimentation, I think adding "--disable-tests --disable-debug" to ./configure will be sufficient. This was pointed out in the original email already.


On 2015-12-16 01:22, poweru...@openmailbox.org wrote:

I don't know exactly how the port system works.

I figured out exactly how to get BitcoinD latest to build, by manually
patching the openbsd-wip bitcoind port, which is 2.5 years old.

I failed to actually get the port updated, on a stupid detail of the
port Makefile though, it was something about the filenaming scheme the
ports system will use for its build directory -

I am sure YOU know exactly how that works, in no time, so for this
reason I'll describe exactly how to build BitcoinD 0.11.2 = latest on
OpenBSD based on the port here, and you can incredibly quickly pull
together the actual port for it.

Which the exact patches are and the exact configure arguments etc. are
provided, and this is all a patch to the openbsd-wip bitcoind port
already, so the hard work is already done.

Please let me know when you got it in place?


A google search on this topic mentions

Also this post should be followed up on when this port has been

Some things are stated doubly below. In that case just read it as if
was written once.

There is a previous BitcoinD package in openbsd-wip (version 0.9.1).
It's 2.5 years old so it's completely antiquated.

Its sources are at
https://github.com/jasperla/openbsd-wip/tree/master/net/bitcoin , and
this is what my patch here is based on.

I used that one before, and to my experience it worked perfectly,
except for when trying to use BitcoinD's HTTP RPC server - that
crashed when even telnetting to the port I think.. or if it was when
posting any request to it. That functionality is completely secondary
though. I did not test that on this updated version, perhaps it works

My installation instructions are a modified version of the openbsd-wip package.

Take that bitcoin directory in the openbsd-wip package, and put it in
your local /usr/ports/net/ directory.

The patch files need some updates. First, let's overview the 8 patch
files individually, as some of these changed names, or disappeared,
since 0.9.1:

 * compat.h is now src/compat.h - attaching new version (applied
exactly the same thing as in the old patch)

 * db.cpp - this file was moved to src/wallet/db.cpp .

 * leveldb/port/port_posix.h is now src/leveldb/port/port_posix.h -
applied same thinga sin patch.

 * src/m4/bitcoin_find_bdb48.m4 changed name to
build-aux/m4/bitcoin_find_bdb48.m4 , applied the same patch contents.

 * can't find src/qt/Makefile.am here.  so i just dropped it.

 * share/genbuild.sh kept its name. figured out what section to remove.

 * I didn't touch patch-src_Makefile_include and
patch-contrib_debian_manpages_bitcoind_1     - you figure out what
these should be now please!

And now here below are my patch files, these patches compare the
unmodified bitcoin-0.11.2 tar gz file with what the same need to be to
deliver on OpenBSD. When you compare these patches with the previous
ones you'll see great similarity.

These patches below here were gotten by reading the old openbsd-wip
port patch files and figuring out how to get exactly the same thing in
the new version.

compat.h:  No changes! I.e. remove the patch.


/tmp/bitcoin-0.11.2$ diff -ur  src/wallet/db.cpp
--- src/wallet/db.cpp   Mon Jun  1 00:00:00 2015
+++ /usr/ports/pobj/bitcoin-0.11.2/bitcoin-0.11.2/src/wallet/db.cpp
 Fri Nov 20 19:55:37 2015
@@ -97,7 +97,9 @@
dbenv->set_errfile(fopen(pathErrorFile.string().c_str(), "a")); /// debug
     dbenv->set_flags(DB_AUTO_COMMIT, 1);
     dbenv->set_flags(DB_TXN_WRITE_NOSYNC, 1);
     dbenv->log_set_config(DB_LOG_AUTO_REMOVE, 1);
     int ret = dbenv->open(strPath.c_str(),
                          DB_CREATE |
                              DB_INIT_LOCK |
@@ -131,7 +133,9 @@
     dbenv->set_flags(DB_AUTO_COMMIT, 1);
     dbenv->log_set_config(DB_LOG_IN_MEMORY, 1);
     int ret = dbenv->open(NULL,
                          DB_CREATE |
                              DB_INIT_LOCK |

/tmp/bitcoin-0.11.2$ diff -ur  src/leveldb/port/port_posix.h
--- src/leveldb/port/port_posix.h       Mon Jun  1 00:00:00 2015
Fri Nov 20 19:56:41 2015
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 #if defined(OS_MACOSX)
   #include <machine/endian.h>
   #if defined(__DARWIN_LITTLE_ENDIAN) && defined(__DARWIN_BYTE_ORDER)

$ diff -ur build-aux/m4/bitcoin_find_bdb48.m4
--- build-aux/m4/bitcoin_find_bdb48.m4  Mon Jun  1 00:00:00 2015
   Fri Nov 20 19:58:11 2015
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
       #include <${searchpath}db_cxx.h>
-      #if !((DB_VERSION_MAJOR == 4 && DB_VERSION_MINOR >= 8) ||
-        #error "failed to find bdb 4.8+"
+      #if !((DB_VERSION_MAJOR == 4 && DB_VERSION_MINOR >= 6) ||
+        #error "failed to find bdb 4.6+"
       if test "x$bdbpath" = "xX"; then

Now i'll give some seconds to what did *not* work:

I went into the patched Bitcoin directory and did ./configure and that
gave "configure: error: libdb_cxx headers missing, Bitcoin Core
requires this library for wallet functionality (--disable-wallet to
disable wallet functionality)"

So instead I did:

./configure --disable-wallet

This gave: "configure: error: No working boost sleep implementation found."

Apparently this is a known problem,
documented at https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/3003
someone found "--disable-tests --disable-debug" to fix it, but, I went
with a more novel solution instead - I installed the g++-4.8.4p2
package and did:

CXX=/usr/local/bin/eg++ ./configure --disable-wallet

This gave "configure: error: Detected LibreSSL: This is NOT supported,
and may break consensus compatibility!"

That's discussed at https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/6244 .

There's a "--with-libressl" option, let's use it.  I think BitcoinD
will kick out its OpenSSL dependency soon too. And, I did a full
network sync using the following so I know that it works for all
blocks up to now.

CXX=/usr/local/bin/eg++ ./configure --disable-wallet --with-libressl

And then, "gmake" will actually make it build -

With all the above info in place, here are the instructions for
actually getting a bitcoind binary:

 * The source file is
https://bitcoin.org/bin/bitcoin-core-0.11.2/bitcoin-0.11.2.tar.gz , as
reflected on https://bitcoin.org/en/download .

 * Install the dependency packages as not to need the ports system to
rebuild those:

pkg_add automake-1.14.1
pkg_add boost
pkg_add protobuf
pkg_add libqrencode
pkg_add miniupnpc
pkg_add qt4

 * Clone the openbsd-wip bitcoin package into the OBSD 5.8 ports tree
into /usr/ports/net/bitcoin  (as already said above)

 * Update distinfo to:

SHA256 (bitcoin-0.11.2.tar.gz) =
SIZE (bitcoin-0.11.2.tar.gz) = 4758492

 * In the Makefile:

    * Change the "V" from 0.9.1 to 0.11.2 .

    * Change MASTER_SITES to:

    * DISTNAME from "bitcoin-bitcoin-v${V}" to "bitcoin-${V}" (as this
influences the file it downloads)

    * Change WKRDIST from "${WRKDIR}/bitcoin-bitcoin-66a2ae9" to
"${WRKDIR}/bitcoin-0.11.2", I guess??

 * Then I just cd:ed to /usr/ports/pobj/bitcoin-0.11.2/bitcoin-0.11.2
and tried to get on with the build process!

Here's how I applied the patch files manually, and the changes that
had happened, also find the same patched files attached here:

 * compat.h is now src/compat.h - attaching new version (applied
exactly the same thing as in the old patch)

 * db.cpp - this file was moved to src/wallet/db.cpp

 * leveldb/port/port_posix.h is now src/leveldb/port/port_posix.h -
applied same thinga sin patch.

 * src/m4/bitcoin_find_bdb48.m4 changed name to
build-aux/m4/bitcoin_find_bdb48.m4 , applied the same patch contents.

 * can't find src/qt/Makefile.am here.

 * share/genbuild.sh kept its name. figured out what section to remove.

 * I didn't touch patch-src_Makefile_include and



CXX=/usr/local/bin/eg++ ./configure --disable-wallet --with-libressl

(Because purely ./configure  gives: "configure: error: libdb_cxx
headers missing, Bitcoin Core requires this library for wallet
functionality (--disable-wallet to disable wallet functionality)",

And because "./configure --disable-wallet" gave: "configure: error: No
working boost sleep implementation found.", someone at
https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/3003 found this could be
solved by adding  "--disable-tests --disable-debug" but this solution
of adding eg++ worked for me,

and because "CXX=/usr/local/bin/eg++ ./configure --disable-wallet"
gave "configure: error: Detected LibreSSL: This is NOT supported, and
may break consensus compatibility!" as discussed on
https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/6244 .)


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