23 янв. 2016 г. 17:34 пользователь "Chris Bennett" <
chrisbenn...@bennettconstruction.us> написал:
> I am working on a group of modules that OO interface with PSQL, but the
> first few so far don't need postgreSQL to build or test. There are some
> tests that use PostgreSQL, but author says that these tests should
> indeed be skipped, as tests already do skip.
> Should I just mention in DESCR that postgresql-server, p5-DBI and
> should be installed to make use of these modules or add them as

If Postgres is really needed for those modules, then it's RUN_DEPENDS stuff
by definition. Otherwise, if modules are operable and useful without
Postgres, then it's better to mention them in either DESCR or README.

Also, note that there are TEST_DEPENDS, that are resolved for "make test"
only. It seems that I you'll want those as well.

Vadim Zhukov

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