Scott Vanderbilt <> writes:

> I just upgraded amd64 snapshots (20 April to 26 May), and refreshed my
> ports. nano is now dumping core on launch with following error:
>   nano(69373) in free(): error: bogus pointer (double free?) 0x440e168aca0
>   Abort trap (core dumped)
> dmesg follows. What more information can I provide that will be useful?

A gdb backtrace.

The port will probably not provide debug symbols, making the output not
very helpful (still, it would be better than nothing).  To get a package
with debug symbols,

  cd /usr/ports/editors/nano && make clean repackage reinstall DEBUG=-g

should be enough.

jca | PGP : 0x1524E7EE / 5135 92C1 AD36 5293 2BDF  DDCC 0DFA 74AE 1524 E7EE

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