On Sat, Jun 18, 2016 at 03:54:45PM -0400, Daniel Wilkins wrote:
> The old version was something like 3 years old and 2000 weeklies behind.
> I've talked to the dev and it now builds cleanly without patches(or rather,
> I made the changes needed and got it merged into the project.)
> Now it'll actually run the official expansions properly, as well as all the
> other additions since 2013.

Sorry about that; apparently I forgot that they switched to SDL2 and didn't 
the depends properly. Patch for the makefile below.

< WANTLIB =     SDL c m pthread stdc++ SDL_mixer>=3 vorbisfile vpx
> WANTLIB =     c m pthread stdc++ vorbisfile vpx vorbis ogg png z FLAC SDL2 
> SDL2_mixer execinfo
<               devel/sdl \
<               devel/sdl-mixer
>               devel/libexecinfo \
>               devel/sdl2 \
>               devel/sdl2-mixer
< WANTLIB +=    gtk-x11-2.0

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