
From pkg/DESCR:

| Deskew, or auto straighten, is the automatic rotation of an image such
| that the text is vertically aligned. This is great for cleaning up
| scanned documents.
| Plugin is accessible via Layer => Transform => Deskew.

I want this port in ports collection because the original website for
the plugin is long offline, and the fork this port is based on is not
very easy to find (at least when GIMP plugin index malfunctions, which
seems to happen frequently.)

Comments?  OKs?

(The port is available in openbsd-wip, so suggestions are *also*
accepted there in form of new revisions.)

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Attachment: gimp-deskew-plugin-0.0.20141025.tgz
Description: application/gzip

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