Le 2017-02-28 17:44, sven falempin a écrit :
Dear ports makers and pkg_xxx creators,

Manual states :
@sysctl var=val @sysctl var≥val During pkg_add(1), check that
sysctl(8) variable var is set to exactly/at least a given value val.
Adjust it otherwise.

This is live adjusting the value but do not change and create /etc/sysctl.conf
thus the modification is not permanent,

Is there a way ( a pkg_add option hidden somewhere or just in front my eyes ).
do have this configure by the package even after reboot.


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Hello, currently It seems that no package use this option.

Usually, tweaks needed for a package are described in the
pkg/README file in the ports, which goes into /usr/local/share/doc/pkg-readme
after install.

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