On Wednesday, 01/02/2017 12:20 GMT, Stuart Henderson <s...@spacehopper.org> 

> Another option would be to ask whoever wrote these patches if they can
> publish it as a repository somewhere.. It is effectively forked, so
> it would be a lot simpler to handle this as an update rather than a
> patchset (especially with the regenerated bison parser).

Nice to know, so I think that we can follow two routes:

* first

use debian git repository [1] that contains and maintains all new stuff
and apply only patches (debian/patches/) that we want.

* second

based on the answer of Martin Bayer (html2text maintainer) that wrote to me:

<< Let me make a long story short: You are right with most of your
points and it is true I haven't released a new version for years. But
the reason for this is, that html2text relies for its parser on a
bison++ version from the early 1990s. In order to go on with html2text,
one would need to move to the most recent version of GNU Bison, or
re-write the parser, which means to become independent from a parser
generator. html2text's unique feature was (at the time) rendering of
tables. I understand that w3m does this job too, as links/links2 do
also. So it's hard for me to see a good reason to invest time and effort
in html2text. As I'm focused for my work now to themes outside the open
source community, I'm more likely going to discontinue html2text rather
than making these efforts. >>

remove html2text and force users to use w3m o links/links2.

For example you can convert html to text with w3m with the following

$ w3m -dump file.html > text

what do you think?


[1] https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/collab-maint/html2text.git/

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