
Thanks for your help. I will return in the end of next week - Trying to install Audacity from source code.

Best regards

On Wednesday, 23 August 2017 15:34:05 CEST, Stuart Henderson wrote:
On 2017/08/23 10:51, Paul Irofti wrote:

Please search the archives[0]. If you make any progress or find new
roadblocks let us know. I would like to see the port updated too, but I
do not use it enough to do it myself.

Paul ...

here's a start at it:

- audacity 2.1.3 wants wxWidgets 3.0.x; this update is awkward enough
on its own without having to deal with updating wxWidgets and the other
wxWidgets users - so targetting audacity 2.1.1 for now (the last release
for wx 2.8.x).

- the standard "audacity-minsrc" tarball doesn't include the patched
portaudio (and it's on a fosshub time-limited URL), using github checkout

- sndio borrowed from audio/portaudio-svn/{files,patches}.

WIP attached, but it won't build as-is, linking needs more work;

1. internally built libs (widgetextra, portaudio and others) are
   linked dynamically and need to be static

2. libtool isn't passing -L/usr/local/lib to the linker so it doesn't
   find some libs from the system

3. WANTLIB/LIB_DEPENDS aren't guaranteed correct

Bodging the libtool issues and forcing LD_LIBRARY_PATH I have been able
to successfully run the binary, though I don't have my laptop to hand,
and haven't figured out how to unbreak audio on my workstation after
some update, so I can't be sure it will actually play/record audio at
this point.

Anyway this is a lot better starting point if someone wants to pick it up.

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