Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead is a post-apocalyptic zombie survival
rougelike,  It includes crafting, vehicles, and sci-fi elements.  

This is my first pass at the port.  It's the SDL version with graphics
tiles,  sounds and lua support enabled.  I'd like to do a no_x11 flavor
but I want to get feedback on the basic port before digging in further.
This is building from the master branch as the last release is out of
date and not used by players anymore.

I only have amd64 to test on so I don't know if other archs will work
or not.  I haven't run into any issues with it yet and I've killed off
several characters,  I figure there are problably things I've missed in
the port here and there and I get conflicting information about whether
or not I need WANTLIB intl.

All feedback and testing is welcome.  Thanks.


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