On 2017/09/20 11:21, Jan Stary wrote:
> On Sep 20 12:09:25, h...@stare.cz wrote:
> > Grep'ing /usr/ports for 'opencore', these seem to be affected:
> > 
> >  * audio/opencore-amr (obviously)
> >  * audio/sox (handled below)
> >  * multimedia/imagination (cc maintainer)
> >  * telephony/pjsua (no maintainer)
> > 
> > These seem to _not_ be affected:
> > 
> >  * x11/mplayer (--disable-libopencore_amrnb --disable-libopencore_amrwb)
> >  * audio/fdk-aac (cc maintainer)
> > 
> > Would any of these miss opencore-amr if we removed it?
> > (Is suppose in e.g. pjsua the codec might actually be used.)
> And grep'ing for 'amr', here is a few more (cc maintainer)
> * A patch for multimedia/avidemux mentions libamrnb,
>   but it seems to be unused both with and without the patch
> * multimedia/gstreamer-0.10 mentions libvo_amrwbenc
>   I am not sure if it uses opencore-amr
> * multimedia/gstreamer-0.10/plugins-ugly says
>   CONFIGURE_ARGS= --disable-amrnb --disable-amrwb
>   so I suppose it is not affected
> * multimedia/gstreamer1 says --disable-voamrwbenc
> * multimedia/gstreamer1/plugins-ugly says --disable-amrnb --disable-amrwb
>       Jan

multimedia/imagination just picks up the library dependency from sox.
Regen wantlib and bump REVISION to fix.

For telephony/pjsua just remove the dep/wantlib, add
--disable-opencore-amr to CONFIGURE_ARGS, and bump.

Apart from sox, I think that is all you need to do.

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