Simple version bump to the new feature release, including the following
notable changes amongst other bug fixes:

- Network timeout handling
- Support for proper Maildir++ and a Maildir sub-folder naming style
  without extra dots
- Support for TLS client certificates
- Support for recovering from baseless UID validity changes
- option DisableExtension for working around IMAP (server) bugs

Maildir sub-folders now require their naming style to be specified, I've
copied the "Compatibility concerns" verbatim from upstream into MESSAGE,
so users who upgrade can avoid fetching duplicate Maildirs upon first
sync after the update.

Tested successfully on my daily amd64 machines during the last few days.


diff --git a/mail/isync/Makefile b/mail/isync/Makefile
index 4a14632eafc..7a1083ba215 100644
--- a/mail/isync/Makefile
+++ b/mail/isync/Makefile
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
 COMMENT=       synchronize IMAP4 and maildir mailboxes
-DISTNAME=      isync-1.2.2
+DISTNAME=      isync-1.3.0
 CATEGORIES=    mail
 # GPLv2
diff --git a/mail/isync/distinfo b/mail/isync/distinfo
index 42716ff1a4e..9d38087baac 100644
--- a/mail/isync/distinfo
+++ b/mail/isync/distinfo
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-SHA256 (isync-1.2.2.tar.gz) = 2Rl+J7/nfj2JcfT8sl7DeyUGgnxLyUObcjdsqgkc6Hc=
-SIZE (isync-1.2.2.tar.gz) = 285745
+SHA256 (isync-1.3.0.tar.gz) = jV9YOXbjEZcFvbon+k/JYugH/1mW8k81SVcXj/ppfJw=
+SIZE (isync-1.3.0.tar.gz) = 309459
diff --git a/mail/isync/pkg/MESSAGE b/mail/isync/pkg/MESSAGE
index 18c9fe60aa0..d5dcd36e35a 100644
--- a/mail/isync/pkg/MESSAGE
+++ b/mail/isync/pkg/MESSAGE
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
-Configuration format has changed; consult manual page for details.
+If you have Maildir sub-folders, you need to update the configuration to
+specify the naming style, see the SubFolders option im mbsync(1).
 The "isync" wrapper is deprecated and will be removed in future versions.
diff --git a/mail/isync/pkg/PLIST b/mail/isync/pkg/PLIST
index 736d788b5d8..6b794b99a53 100644
--- a/mail/isync/pkg/PLIST
+++ b/mail/isync/pkg/PLIST
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 @comment $OpenBSD: PLIST,v 1.7 2015/04/03 18:51:46 czarkoff Exp $
 @bin bin/isync
 @bin bin/mbsync
 @bin bin/mdconvert
 @man man/man1/isync.1
 @man man/man1/mbsync.1

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