This is a security update[0] fixing a data leak:

        A wrong if statement in the varnishd source code means that
        synthetic objects in stevedores which over-allocate, may leak up
        to page size of data from a malloc(3) memory allocation.

        In a unpredictable percentage of the cases where this condition
        arises, a segmentation fault will happen instead.

Tests continue to pass as before (full log attached):

        # TOTAL: 636
        # PASS:  630
        # SKIP:  5
        # XFAIL: 0
        # FAIL:  1
        # XPASS: 0
        # ERROR: 0

I also removed TEST_TARGET=check as it's the default, used
${INSTALL_DATA} instead of cp in post-install and pointed users to 5.2
instead of 5.0 docs.

Varnish uses python scripts to compile .vsc into C so I added
lang/python with MODPY_VERSION=2.7 explicity since it's importing
StringIO which appearantly became io.StringIO in 3.0 and higher.

Feedback? Does anyone want to commit this?


diff --git a/www/varnish/Makefile b/www/varnish/Makefile
index b0fa5029ab4..5cf58670364 100644
--- a/www/varnish/Makefile
+++ b/www/varnish/Makefile
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 COMMENT =              high-performance HTTP accelerator
-DISTNAME =             varnish-5.2.0
+DISTNAME =             varnish-5.2.1
 CATEGORIES =           www
@@ -16,12 +16,16 @@ MAINTAINER =                Jim Razmus II 
<> \
 # BSD
+MASTER_SITES =          ${HOMEPAGE}_downloads/
 EXTRACT_SUFX =         .tgz
 WANTLIB += c execinfo m ncursesw pcre pthread readline termcap
+MODULES =              lang/python
+MODPY_VERSION =                2.7
                        ${MODGNU_AUTOMAKE_DEPENDS} \
                        devel/libtool \
@@ -30,6 +34,8 @@ LIB_DEPENDS =                 devel/pcre
 # The internal backtrace implementation fails to build with -Werror on arm/hppa
 LIB_DEPENDS +=         devel/libexecinfo
+MODPY_RUNDEP =         No
 WRKDIST =              ${WRKDIR}/${DISTNAME}
 USE_GMAKE =            Yes
@@ -38,7 +44,7 @@ AUTOMAKE_VERSION =    1.15
 CONFIGURE_ENV =                CPPFLAGS="-I${LOCALBASE}/include" \
                        LDFLAGS="-L${LOCALBASE}/lib ${LDFLAGS}"
-TEST_TARGET =          check
+MODPY_ADJ_FILES =      lib/lib*/*.py
@@ -47,7 +53,7 @@ post-patch:
        ${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${PREFIX}/share/doc/varnish
        ${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${PREFIX}/share/examples/varnish
-       cp ${WRKDIST}${SYSCONFDIR}/{example,builtin}.vcl \
+       ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKDIST}${SYSCONFDIR}/{example,builtin}.vcl \
        rm -f ${PREFIX}/lib/varnish/{vmods,}/*.{a,la}
diff --git a/www/varnish/distinfo b/www/varnish/distinfo
index f7dc351f783..cdba07a9889 100644
--- a/www/varnish/distinfo
+++ b/www/varnish/distinfo
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-SHA256 (varnish-5.2.0.tgz) = zEgmoEgPSSaNOZYwnkt+RlFR6aUjzPjq1JnsV1FJ9H4=
-SIZE (varnish-5.2.0.tgz) = 2828867
+SHA256 (varnish-5.2.1.tgz) = uEUsnXjBb3jIz9HBoeaWUjv2S3chwzAVDcwIUkWQFLM=
+SIZE (varnish-5.2.1.tgz) = 2827676
diff --git a/www/varnish/pkg/MESSAGE b/www/varnish/pkg/MESSAGE
index 5f50b1bbf2a..ce02efaef87 100644
--- a/www/varnish/pkg/MESSAGE
+++ b/www/varnish/pkg/MESSAGE
@@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ or the following link for more information:
 and for further information:

   Varnish 5.2.1: bin/varnishtest/test-suite.log

# TOTAL: 636
# PASS:  630
# SKIP:  5
# XFAIL: 0
# FAIL:  1
# XPASS: 0
# ERROR: 0

.. contents:: :depth: 2

SKIP: tests/a00014

**** top   0.0 extmacro def 
**** top   0.0 extmacro def localhost=
**** top   0.0 extmacro def bad_backend= 45991
**** top   0.0 extmacro def bad_ip=
**** top   0.0 extmacro def topbuild=/usr/obj/ports/varnish-5.2.1/varnish-5.2.1
**** top   0.0 macro def tmpdir=/tmp/vtc.615.05f97f59
*    top   0.0 TEST ./tests/a00014.vtc starting
**   top   0.0 === varnishtest "Custom feature verification"
*    top   0.0 TEST Custom feature verification
**   top   0.0 === feature cmd true
**   top   0.0 === feature cmd false
*    top   0.0 SKIPPING test, lacking feature: false
*    top   0.0 RESETTING after ./tests/a00014.vtc
*    top   0.0 TEST ./tests/a00014.vtc completed
#    top  TEST ./tests/a00014.vtc skipped (0.004)
SKIP tests/a00014.vtc (exit status: 77)

SKIP: tests/a02022

**** top   0.0 extmacro def 
**** top   0.0 extmacro def localhost=
**** top   0.0 extmacro def bad_backend= 16039
**** top   0.0 extmacro def bad_ip=
**** top   0.0 extmacro def topbuild=/usr/obj/ports/varnish-5.2.1/varnish-5.2.1
**** top   0.0 macro def tmpdir=/tmp/vtc.85738.60f565db
*    top   0.0 TEST ./tests/a02022.vtc starting
**   top   0.0 === varnishtest "H/1 -> H/2 upgrade"
*    top   0.0 TEST H/1 -> H/2 upgrade
**   top   0.0 === feature cmd "nghttp --version | grep -q 'nghttp2/[1-9]'"
*    top   0.0 SKIPPING test, lacking feature: nghttp --version | grep -q 
*    top   0.0 RESETTING after ./tests/a02022.vtc
*    top   0.0 TEST ./tests/a02022.vtc completed
*    diag  0.0 sh: nghttp: not found
#    top  TEST ./tests/a02022.vtc skipped (0.004)
SKIP tests/a02022.vtc (exit status: 77)

SKIP: tests/j00000

**** top   0.0 extmacro def 
**** top   0.0 extmacro def localhost=
**** top   0.0 extmacro def bad_backend= 33142
**** top   0.0 extmacro def bad_ip=
**** top   0.0 extmacro def topbuild=/usr/obj/ports/varnish-5.2.1/varnish-5.2.1
**** top   0.0 macro def tmpdir=/tmp/vtc.15924.06eeedbe
*    top   0.0 TEST ./tests/j00000.vtc starting
**   top   0.0 === varnishtest "Code coverage basic UNIX jail"
*    top   0.0 TEST Code coverage basic UNIX jail
**   top   0.0 === feature user_varnish
*    top   0.0 SKIPPING test, lacking feature: user_varnish
*    top   0.0 RESETTING after ./tests/j00000.vtc
*    top   0.0 TEST ./tests/j00000.vtc completed
#    top  TEST ./tests/j00000.vtc skipped (0.003)
SKIP tests/j00000.vtc (exit status: 77)

SKIP: tests/j00001

**** top   0.0 extmacro def 
**** top   0.0 extmacro def localhost=
**** top   0.0 extmacro def bad_backend= 41617
**** top   0.0 extmacro def bad_ip=
**** top   0.0 extmacro def topbuild=/usr/obj/ports/varnish-5.2.1/varnish-5.2.1
**** top   0.0 macro def tmpdir=/tmp/vtc.89957.39470923
*    top   0.0 TEST ./tests/j00001.vtc starting
**   top   0.0 === varnishtest "Run worker with different uid in UNIX jail"
*    top   0.0 TEST Run worker with different uid in UNIX jail
**   top   0.0 === feature user_varnish
*    top   0.0 SKIPPING test, lacking feature: user_varnish
*    top   0.0 RESETTING after ./tests/j00001.vtc
*    top   0.0 TEST ./tests/j00001.vtc completed
#    top  TEST ./tests/j00001.vtc skipped (0.004)
SKIP tests/j00001.vtc (exit status: 77)

SKIP: tests/j00003

**** top   0.0 extmacro def 
**** top   0.0 extmacro def localhost=
**** top   0.0 extmacro def bad_backend= 14103
**** top   0.0 extmacro def bad_ip=
**** top   0.0 extmacro def topbuild=/usr/obj/ports/varnish-5.2.1/varnish-5.2.1
**** top   0.0 macro def tmpdir=/tmp/vtc.58899.5bdb3ecf
*    top   0.0 TEST ./tests/j00003.vtc starting
**   top   0.0 === varnishtest "-junix bad subarg handling"
*    top   0.0 TEST -junix bad subarg handling
**   top   0.0 === feature root
*    top   0.0 SKIPPING test, lacking feature: root
*    top   0.0 RESETTING after ./tests/j00003.vtc
*    top   0.0 TEST ./tests/j00003.vtc completed
#    top  TEST ./tests/j00003.vtc skipped (0.002)
SKIP tests/j00003.vtc (exit status: 77)

FAIL: tests/u00000

**** top   0.0 extmacro def 
**** top   0.0 extmacro def localhost=
**** top   0.0 extmacro def bad_backend= 26095
**** top   0.0 extmacro def bad_ip=
**** top   0.0 extmacro def topbuild=/usr/obj/ports/varnish-5.2.1/varnish-5.2.1
**** top   0.0 macro def tmpdir=/tmp/vtc.32637.2edc2401
*    top   0.0 TEST ./tests/u00000.vtc starting
**   top   0.0 === varnishtest "Simple process tests"
*    top   0.0 TEST Simple process tests
**   top   0.0 === process p1 "cat" -start
**** p1    0.0 CMD: cat
***  p1    0.0 PID: 9737
**** p1    0.0 macro def p1_pid=9737
**** p1    0.0 macro def p1_dir=/tmp/vtc.32637.2edc2401/p1
**** p1    0.0 macro def p1_out=/tmp/vtc.32637.2edc2401/p1/stdout
**** p1    0.0 macro def p1_err=/tmp/vtc.32637.2edc2401/p1/stderr
**   top   0.0 === process p2 "cat" -start
**** p2    0.0 CMD: cat
***  p2    0.0 PID: 65976
**** p2    0.0 macro def p2_pid=65976
**** p2    0.0 macro def p2_dir=/tmp/vtc.32637.2edc2401/p2
**** p2    0.0 macro def p2_out=/tmp/vtc.32637.2edc2401/p2/stdout
**** p2    0.0 macro def p2_err=/tmp/vtc.32637.2edc2401/p2/stderr
**   top   0.0 === process p3 "cat" -start
**** p3    0.0 CMD: cat
***  p3    0.0 PID: 24610
**** p3    0.0 macro def p3_pid=24610
**** p3    0.0 macro def p3_dir=/tmp/vtc.32637.2edc2401/p3
**** p3    0.0 macro def p3_out=/tmp/vtc.32637.2edc2401/p3/stdout
**** p3    0.0 macro def p3_err=/tmp/vtc.32637.2edc2401/p3/stderr
**   top   0.0 === process p1 -writeln "foo"
**** p1    0.0 Writing 3 bytes
**** p1    0.0 Writing 1 bytes
**   top   0.0 === process p2 -writeln "bar"
**** p2    0.0 Writing 3 bytes
**** p2    0.0 Writing 1 bytes
**   top   0.0 === process p3 -writeln "baz"
**** p3    0.0 Writing 3 bytes
**** p3    0.0 Writing 1 bytes
**   top   0.0 === delay 0.5
***  top   0.0 delaying 0.5 second(s)
**   top   0.5 === process p1 -stop
**** p1    0.5 Sent signal 15
**   top   0.5 === process p2 -close
**   top   0.5 === process p3 -kill KILL
**** p3    0.5 Sent signal 9
**   top   0.5 === process p1 -wait
**** p3    0.5 macro undef p3_pid
**   p3    0.5 R 0x6022 Status: 0009 (u 0.000000 s 0.000000)
**   p3    0.5 Bad exit code: 0009 sig 9 exit 0 core 0
**** p2    0.5 macro undef p2_pid
**   p2    0.5 R 0x101b8 Status: 0000 (u 0.000000 s 0.010000)
**** p1    0.5 macro undef p1_pid
**   p1    0.5 R 0x2609 Status: 000f (u 0.000000 s 0.010000)
**   p1    0.5 Bad exit code: 000f sig 15 exit 0 core 0
**   top   0.5 === process p2 -wait
**   top   0.5 === process p3 -wait
**   top   0.5 === shell "grep -q foo ${p1_out}"
**** top   0.5 shell_cmd|exec 2>&1 ; grep -q foo 
**** top   0.6 shell_status = 0x0000
**   top   0.6 === shell "grep -q bar ${p2_out}"
**** top   0.6 shell_cmd|exec 2>&1 ; grep -q bar 
**** top   0.6 shell_status = 0x0000
**   top   0.6 === shell "grep -q baz ${p3_out}"
**** top   0.6 shell_cmd|exec 2>&1 ; grep -q baz 
**** top   0.6 shell_status = 0x0000
**   top   0.6 === shell "test -f ${p1_err} -a ! -s ${p1_err}"
**** top   0.6 shell_cmd|exec 2>&1 ; test -f /tmp/vtc.32637.2edc2401/p1/stderr 
-a ! -s /tmp/vtc.32637.2edc2401/p1/stderr
**** top   0.6 shell_status = 0x0001
---- top   0.6 shell_exit not as expected: got 0x0001 wanted 0x0000
*    top   0.6 RESETTING after ./tests/u00000.vtc
**** p1    0.6 macro undef p1_dir
**** p1    0.6 macro undef p1_out
**** p1    0.6 macro undef p1_err
**** p2    0.6 macro undef p2_dir
**** p2    0.6 macro undef p2_out
**** p2    0.6 macro undef p2_err
**** p3    0.6 macro undef p3_dir
**** p3    0.6 macro undef p3_out
**** p3    0.6 macro undef p3_err
*    top   0.6 TEST ./tests/u00000.vtc FAILED
#    top  TEST ./tests/u00000.vtc FAILED (0.575) exit=2
FAIL tests/u00000.vtc (exit status: 2)

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