On Tue, Dec 19, 2017 at 11:11:09AM -0700, cpb_p...@bennettconstruction.us wrote:
> I read about the problems with OpenBSD code reading and why it shut
> down.

I assume you are referring to #openbsd-daily code reads.

> Problems with the methods to study existing code and possibly submit
> diff's.

I don't recall any problems with diffs? IRC is just a bad format for live code
reading in a group but I don't recall having any problems with diffs that
resulted from our reads on the channel.

> Right now I am using Mwforum, which doesn't seem to have any security
> problems,
> beyond the very rare trolls that actually register.

I don't see how a forum would help with live code reading. When we discussed the
issue on IRC most people trended towards screen or terminal session sharing or
optionally audio/video streaming. I could see something like
http://bxr.su/OpenBSD/ working for live reads if it had a built in live chat and
allowed inline annotations that other people would see live.

> I have been using it to host LedgerSMB's forums.
> One of the really nice features it has is an addon to convert emails
> into posts.
> I have been doing this quite nicely for a good period of time. These
> emails go
> to read only boards.
> The forum supports attachments, (diff's would be a good usage).
> It also supports addons to change the forum controls into other
> languages.
> I wrote the Spanish addon.
> The forum is written in Perl and supports multiple databases, PostgreSQL
> preferred.
> It works in Perl or mod_perl.
> The downside is that the author is no longer working on the project or
> accepting
> any diff's for the code.

That doesn't sound encouraging.

> I would like help developing a port to make our own forum software that
> works with
> our httpd and also perl and mod_perl.
> I would like to continue having the ability to post emails, such as
> ports@, tech@,
> misc@, etc.
> Possibly also being able to send emails back for the existing mailing
> lists.

I don't see the connection between that functionality and the code reads we did
on #openbsd-daily. Perhaps I misunderstand your intention?

> Personally, I would like to use PostgreSQL and Perl, although C would
> also be
> acceptable. Others would be better able to comment on the security of
> Perl vs C.
> Is anyone already working on this or interested?
> I think this might be a good way to continue the code studying that was
> started.
> Thoughts?
> Chris Bennett

If you want to discuss how to continue with the daily code reads, then
#openbsd-daily on IRC is a better place to have it.

Regarding the port of Mwforum, I personally have no need for it and would rather
not advocate anoyone hosting an unmaintained forum that isn't receiving security
updates. However I won't stop/discourage you from making a port.


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