On 12/31/17 09:43, Rafael Sadowski wrote:
On Sat Dec 30, 2017 at 10:12:23PM -0500, Brian Callahan wrote:
On 12/23/17 00:00, Brian Callahan wrote:
On 12/15/17 23:43, Brian Callahan wrote:
On 12/10/17 12:27, Brian Callahan wrote:
Hi ports --

Attached is a new port, lang/flang. Flang is a Fortran compiler
targeting LLVM.

Supposedly Flang is on its way to becoming part of LLVM, though
there's no timetable for that.

Flang is divided into two ports, the driver and the runtime. The
driver is a modified version of clang. I chose to only install
the flang driver binary from the driver port. The CMake build
system wants to install the entirety of the clang utils and
libraries and headers, but that means having three copies of
some things (1 in base, 1 from devel/llvm, 1 from flang), and
that seemed crazy. We only need the flang driver binary anyway.

In order to link binaries with flang, you must remember to
include -L${LOCALBASE}/lib -lflang when linking the binary.

I chose to use flang's built-in ompstubs library for OpenMP
"support." And by "support" I mean that the ompstubs library is
just stubbed out omp routines that do nothing but allow flang to
build. According to upstream, !amd64 archs use the ompstubs
library anyway. It would be nice to eventually move to real
OpenMP support, but that can be for a later day.

Only tested on amd64 because I do not (yet) have an arm64
machine. Flang only supports those two platforms. I will add the
needed arm64 bits once I have my arm64 machine. Flang
successfully builds a bunch of F90/F95 programs I have and
passes a significant chunk of the NIST F77 test suite.



Ping. Tarball with latest version attached.




Latest tarball attached.


Weekly bump with the latest tarball attached :)


Not much to grumble about.



* Some comments in the patches would be very helpful.

Comments added, but only to the flang/flang part. The patches directory in flang/driver are direct copies of the clang patches from the devel/llvm port. I'll have to keep doing that going forward for ease of maintenance, I think.

Only build test on amd64. Is there any run test I could do?

flang/flang is a test of itself, which is nice. Otherwise, your favorite F95 programs?


Attachment: flang.tgz
Description: Binary data

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