
please find attached a new port for net/py-netdisco.

   $ cat pkg/DESCR
   NetDisco is a Python 3 library to discover local devices and services. It
   allows to scan on demand or offer a service that will scan the network in the
   background in a set interval.
   Current methods of scanning:
      - mDNS (includes Chromecast, Homekit)
      - uPnP
      - Plex Media Server using Good Day Mate protocol
      - Logitech Media Server discovery protocol
      - Daikin discovery protocol
      - Web OS discovery protocol
   It is the library that powers the device discovery within Home Assistant.

This port depends on the earlier sent new py-zeroconf and py-requests
update and is a dependency for the upcoming homeassistant port.

Please test and comment. OK to import?


Attachment: py-netdisco.tar.gz
Description: application/tar-gz

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