2018-04-26 21:58 GMT+03:00 Rafael Sadowski <raf...@sizeofvoid.org>:
> Please find attached next new KDE4 replacement.
> Conflict bits are set:
> @conflict ktouch-<17.12.3
> @conflict kdebase-*
> @pkgpath x11/kde4/ktouch
> $ cat x11/kde-applications/ktouch/pkg/DESCR
> KTouch is a typing learning tool for KDE.
> It is a part of KDE Edu project.
> Ok? Commenst?

Well, ktouch conflicts with ktouch by definition, so the first
@conflict shouldn't be needed. :) IIRC, I've added such markers to
stuff under x11/kde-applications initially, thinking about
co-installation of KDE4 and KDE5 ones. But later I realized that they
co-exist more or less fine anyway, and dropped kde5- prefix idea, but
forgot about @conflict markers.

Sorry for missing similar thing in kate port as well.

  Vadim Zhukov

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