
Attached is the port of hatop-0.7.7, interactive ncurses
client for haroxy

$ cat pkg/DESCR

HATop is an interactive ncurses client and real-time monitoring,
statistics displaying tool for the HAProxy TCP/HTTP load balancer.

HATop's appearance is similar to top(1). It supports various modes for
detailed statistics of all configured proxies and services in near realtime.
In addition, it features an interactive CLI for the haproxy unix socket.
This allows administrators to control the given haproxy instance
(change server weight, put servers into maintenance mode, ...) directly out
of hatop (using keybinds or the CLI) and monitor the results immediately.


Project is dormant for some time but it is pretty handy 
as is.  It is hosted on both google code and github.
I opted for retrieving release tarball from google since
github hosted project does not have proper releases and it
seems to me that GH_* clutter is not popular these days.

Any test results, comments, even cursing is welcome and
highly appreciated.


Attachment: hatop-0.7.7.tar.gz
Description: Binary data

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