I did some further testing on these and I do not think MODPY_RUN_DEPENDS is 
working as I expect. From the docs it seems like it should append to 
RUN_DEPENDS which is not present.

Is this correct for Python modules? I can prep a diff later tonight to make it 
only RUN_DEPENDS which works as expected.

On May 19, 2018 11:33:24 PM UTC, Edward Lopez-Acosta <elopezaco...@gmail.com> 
>Hello all,
>This is my first ports submission so I figured I would start with some
>simply python modules I use, and did not want to spam with multiple
>Would anyone be willing to please test these new ports?
>I tested with both Python 2.7 and 3.6 on my system (-current #40) and
>seemed to work as expected.
>Thank you in advance.
>progressbar2 - A Python Progressbar library to provide visual (yet text
>based) progress to long running operations.
>Homepage: https://pypi.org/project/python-utils/
>python_utils - Python Utils is a collection of small Python functions
>classes which make common patterns shorter and easier.
>Homepage: https://pypi.org/project/progressbar2/

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