On 2018/07/19 12:39, Leonid Bobrov wrote:
>       From: David CARLIER <devne...@gmail.com>
>       But the unpatched version does not support recording if I m not
>       mistaken ? Maybe then the software is looking for a device recording
>       which does not exist ? I forgot the name of the functions but
>       definitively a stacktrace would help (we got a crash with ioquake3
>       last year because of this it assumed there was a recoding device).
> Sure it doesn't have recording support, I told that from the beginning.
> Sure, software is looking for 3 "non existing" microphones connected to
> my laptop.
> How am I supposed to send a stacktrace if something strips debug symbols
> after compiling audio/openal with MODCMAKE_DEBUG?

MODCMAKE_DEBUG doesn't do what you think.

Build with DEBUG=-g, the same as is expected to work with the base OS
and most ports.

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