On 8/6/18 4:59 AM, Charlène wrote:

I'm proposing this XS Perl module, because it will be required in order
to update audio/abcde to its latest release.

>From DESCR:
MusicBrainz::DiscID is a Perl class to calculate a MusicBrainz DiscID
from an audio CD in the drive.

Homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/MusicBrainz-DiscID/

It builds and works on amd64, but i have no other architecture to
test against, so testing and comments are welcome!

I'm also joining a small test script that gives you a link to the
MusicBrainz' table of content of the currently inserted audio CD.


Super minor style nit, as I understand it we prefer a space before the = for variables (this also aligns with Makefile.template).

Also, do you want to be MAINTAINER?


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