Hi Fabio --

At first, I was confused by your patch. Then I realized that you weren't
submitting a port for your software (what this list predominantly is
for), you were asking for help adding OpenBSD support to your software
(a related but slightly different meaning of port). I do hope to see you
contribute a port of puNES once OpenBSD support is added, but I see no
reason why we can't help you with this kind of porting for the time
being, especially since the support needs to be added before a port can
be made. Comments inline.

On 8/17/2018 2:45 PM, FHorse Author wrote:
> Greetings to the community,
> I'm the author of puNES emulator (https://github.com/punesemu/puNES)
> and I was thinking of doing the porting on OpenBSD (at least 386 and
> amd64 arch). I've started working on it over these two days, I've

Does puNES not work on non-x86 archs?

> installed OpenBSD 6.3 on a virtual machine and after some headaches

When it comes time to make a port, you will need to be running -current,
as all ports tree work is done there. It may be helpful for you to make
the transition to -current now rather than later.

> I managed to compile the sources. It doesn't have sound and
> not support gamepads (I need to study the audio and input stack of
> OpenBSD, I've never used this OS) but runs on the VirtualBOX machine.
> I wanted to ask if someone could test on a real computer, I don't have
> enough space to install a new OS. Also if I need some advice and
> suggestions I'd like to ask here.
> To compile it needs the following dependencies:
> * egcc and eg++ (for the support of c++11)

This is no good. amd64 and i386 have clang-6.0.0 installed by default
and used as the default compiler (it's /usr/bin/cc and /usr/bin/c++,
alternatively /usr/bin/clang and /usr/bin/clang++). You should be using
that. Adding CC=cc and CXX=c++ to your configure script invocation would
do the trick.

> * qt5
> * sdl-1.2
> * xdg-utils
> # git clone https://github.com/punesemu/puNES
> # cd puNES
> # patch -p1 < ../punes_openbsd_v5.patch

I ripped out the egcc/eg++ stuff from your patch, since it is preferable
to use clang over gcc-4.9.4.

> # ./autogen.sh
> # CFLAGS="-g -DDEBUG" CXXFLAGS="-g -DDEBUG" ./configure \
> # --disable-release --enable-qt5
> # make

Unfortunately, puNES fails to build with clang. The relevant build log
is attached.


Attachment: punes.log.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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