On 2018/08/27 21:57, Rafael Sadowski wrote:
> +DISTNAME =           qtwebkit-${QT5_WEBKIT_VERSION}
> +PKGNAME =            qtwebkit-${QT5_WEBKIT_VERSION:S/-alpha2//}

alpha2 is part of the version number, it's an alpha release presumably
in a chain leading towards 5.212.0... I think stripping it like this
causes confusion.

You can use "5.212alpha2" (you may need to set EPOCH markers in the future,
but that's ok, just needs checking), or you could twist it a bit and use
"5.212pre<something>" (I'd probably choose the date of the tag, in this
case 20170616).

Or add infrastructure to support "alpha" like we have "beta" - we
already have packages using alpha versions e.g. lang/squeak/funsqueak.

> +USE_NINJA =          No

I think USE_NINJA=No warrants an explanatory comment.

To be honest year-old web browser code labelled as "alpha" sounds pretty
scary to me. It's probably a bit less worse than we have in this port now,
but I'm not regarding this as anywhere near safe - for starters it won't
have any of the post-spectre mitigations that have been added to more
recent browser code.

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