Hi ports!

Intro (to avoid redundancy): 

I've successfully updated net/p5-Net-SFTP to its latest version (0.12).
It will require 2 new ports and 2 updates, mostly because we're
moving to net/p5-Net-SSH-Perl 2.x that is now required by p5-Net-SFTP.

The full chain of dependencies has been ran and tested, on amd64+chroot
and i386 (there are XS modules), i've found no consumers, excepted
between them.

I won't "hammer" you and post the 4 today - unless asked for - for now
i'm just sending the 2 new dependencies needed for the updated

>From DESCR: 

Crypt::Curve25519 is a state-of-the-art Diffie-Hellman function
suitable for a wide variety of applications.

Given a user's 32-byte secret key, Crypt::Curve25519 computes the
user's 32-byte public key. Given the user's 32-byte secret key and
another user's 32-byte public key, Crypt::Curve25519 computes a
32-byte secret shared by the two users. This secret can then be
used to authenticate and encrypt messages between the two users.

WWW: https://metacpan.org/release/AJGB/Crypt-Curve25519-0.06


- 'make test' passes (the sixth test may take some time), 'make
port-lib-depends-check' and portcheck as well. 
- I tried the examples given by the POD, they're working fine. 

Comments/feedback are welcome! 


Attachment: p5-Crypt-Curve25519.tgz
Description: Binary data

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