> On 10 Sep, 2018, at 05:50, Stuart Henderson <s...@spacehopper.org> wrote:
> It's not going to be the simplest first port (it will need actual code
> porting, rather than just writing ports Makefile etc).

Yeah, I’ve already run into a few of these.

> Many of the Linux-ish plugins use procfs which isn't very helpful -
> the FreeBSD code is going to be closer but we don't have the
> GETSYSCTL_BY_NAME/GETSYSCTL_SIMPLE interfaces, these need changing to
> use sysctl(2).
> You probably want to refer to /usr/src/usr.bin/top while looking at
> this.

Thanks for these tips!  I haven’t yet made it to the FreeBSD plugin, but the 
source for top has offered a few hints in other places.

Upstream also seems to be quite excited to have an OpenBSD port (or really 
ports to any other platform), which is great news!

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