Updated version with noted issue addressed attached.

> It is already partially automated, see port-modules(5) about the
> make targets added by the devel/cargo module (and see the module
> itself, devel/cargo/cargo.port.mk, for more comments and how it
> works).

>                    This module adds three make(1) targets:
> ...

I am once again burned by not RTFM before beginning the work... these
would have saved a lot of time. Thanks for the breadcrumbs!

> quick comments on Makefile - missing "# $OpenBSD$" at the top, and
> : COMMENT =           A fast CSV command line toolkit written in Rust.

Sorry, I thought this was added by CVS automatically... I guess it has
to already have one there to start with? git was my first (and only)
version tracker, so  I'm not super on on CVS conventions. Or maybe this
is unrelated to CVS and I'm misunderstanding?

> in common with other ports, skip the indefinite article and trailing
> full stop, and the language isn't really relevant for something that
> isn't
> a library/module - usual style would be more like e.g. "fast CSV
> command-line toolkit".


> (also there is a stray blank line at EOF in pkg/DESCR).


Would it be constructive to have portcheck check for this? If so, I can
add that to my backburner.

> Someone more familiar with rust porting probably knows more but IIRC
> the
> WANTLIB in ripgrep is to slightly reduce the risk of missing packages
> getting updated after a change in base, probably worth having, but
> manual bumps are often needed anyway.

I would definitely welcome some oversight from someone who knows
Rust/Rust porting. I don't personally know Rust (though I intend to
learn it). I realize this is rather suboptimal for writing ports, but
I'm hoping if I can at least get things 95% of the way there, it will
save the people who are more knowledgeable a lot of time and we can get
more software ported overall.

~ Charles

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