la 29. jouluk. 2018 klo 16.49 Klemens Nanni ( kirjoitti:

> * can you avoid the Makefile patch for MANDIR by passing it as configure
>   flag?

The xschem-2.8.1 doesn't support that. I'll write patch to upstream so next
version will have that fixed too.

> * the stylistic C fixes should be dropped as they're only churn and do
>   not fix actual errors - you can send them upstream

Already fixed in svn. Next release will drop all of those patches.

> * DEBUG='-g3 -O0' is not picked up, please make sure

./configure has --debug option and it will set -g -O0. I added
.ifdef DEBUG to turn that configure variable on.

I took my time and tried to make the Makefile more readable.

> * tcl8.6 is in ports and seems to have different requirements as per
>   your comments, I suggest pinning one version with MODTK_VERSION

Added that too. I left the comment if someone wants to go with 8.6 for
some reason or it becomes default tcl.

> * xschem(1) references files with "$PREFIX", this should be substituted
>   with the actually used prefix

Fixed this with horrible sed patch. Is there a better way? I also
added uninstall
target for the man page but is it needed anywhere?

> * Clicking "Waves" then "Cancel" always shows
>   "sh: /home/kn/waveview_2013/bin/wv: not found", no idea if if this is
>   good or bad
> * Selecting some of the simulations shows similar errors:
>   "sh: /home/kn/cosmoscope/amd64/ai_bin/cscope: not found"

How about totally evil :) Those are Synopsys/Mentor tools.
which don't support OpenBSD. However those can be used with some
shell and SSH trickery from other unix environment. Next release should
bring more simulation back-ends and waveform viewers.

Anyway when going through these I noticed, I need MODTCL_WISH_ADJ.

Thank you for a review. I have attached a fixed version of the port.

Best regards,
Hannu Vuolasaho

Attachment: xschem.tar.gz
Description: application/gzip

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