On Fri, 11 Jan 2019 19:38:31 +0100
Jeremie Courreges-Anglas <j...@wxcvbn.org> wrote:

> make test on sparc64:
>   Finished tests in 7349.921578s, 2.7481 tests/s, 310.4749 assertions/s.
>   20198 tests, 2281966 assertions, 65 failures, 18 errors, 113 skips
> Lots of errors due to missing symbol '__guard_local' in the JIT tests.
> Thoughts?

On my powerpc:

Finished tests in 6145.605596s, 3.2864 tests/s, 371.8192 assertions/s.         
20197 tests, 2285054 assertions, 64 failures, 16 errors, 112 skips             

I built the port with the patch-random_c and MESSAGE-main changes and
JCA's patch-addr2line_c.  The build used base-gcc.  There are some
usual test failures like webrick failing basic auth (no DES crypt in
crypt(3)) and SSLv3 failing (no SSLv3 in LibreSSL), but most failures
are from TestJIT because of "undefined symbol '__guard_local'".

The JIT is experimental and I don't need it.  I was running Ruby trunk
on amd64 but not enabling the JIT.

I find that --jit-verbose=2 shows the cc commands.  I also need
--jit-wait, or 'puts 123' would finish without using the JIT.  Notice
that Ruby is running /usr/ports/pobj/ruby-2.6.0/bin/cc, but this cc
won't exist after I clean the build, or when I pkg_add ruby%2.6
without using ports.

ghostborough$ arch   
ghostborough$ ruby26 --jit-verbose=2 --jit-wait -e 'puts 123'                  
MJIT: CC defaults to /usr/ports/pobj/ruby-2.6.0/bin/cc                         
MJIT: tmp_dir is /tmp                                                          
Creating precompiled header                                                    
Starting process: /usr/ports/pobj/ruby-2.6.0/bin/cc /usr/ports/pobj/ruby-2.6.0/b
in/cc -w -Wfatal-errors -fPIC -shared -w -pipe -O3 -o /tmp/_ruby_mjit_hp40346u0.
h.gch /usr/local/include/ruby-2.6/powerpc-openbsd/rb_mjit_min_header-2.6.0.h   
start compilation: block in <module:RbConfig>@/usr/local/lib/ruby/2.6/powerpc-op
enbsd/rbconfig.rb:275 -> /tmp/_ruby_mjit_p40346u0.c                            
Starting process: /usr/ports/pobj/ruby-2.6.0/bin/cc /usr/ports/pobj/ruby-2.6.0/b
in/cc -w -Wfatal-errors -fPIC -shared -w -pipe -O3 -o /tmp/_ruby_mjit_p40346u0.o
 /tmp/_ruby_mjit_p40346u0.c -c -L/usr/local/lib -nostartfiles -nodefaultlibs -no
Starting process: /usr/ports/pobj/ruby-2.6.0/bin/cc /usr/ports/pobj/ruby-2.6.0/b
in/cc -shared -Wfatal-errors -fPIC -shared -w -pipe -O3 -o /tmp/_ruby_mjit_p4034
6u0.so /tmp/_ruby_mjit_p40346u0.o -L/usr/local/lib -nostartfiles -nodefaultlibs
ruby26:/tmp/_ruby_mjit_p40346u0.so: undefined symbol '__guard_local'           
MJIT warning: failure in loading code from '/tmp/_ruby_mjit_p40346u0.so': Cannot
 load specified object                                                         
(It enters an infinite loop trying to compile the object.)

George Koehler <kern...@gmail.com>

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