On Tue, 15 Jan 2019 00:18:58 -0500
George Koehler wrote:

> On Mon, 14 Jan 2019 20:03:43 +0100
> Charlene Wendling <juliana...@posteo.jp> wrote:
> > RCS file: patches/patch-shaders_cpp
> This patch fails because it has \n line endings (after I applied the
> patch in your email), but shaders.cpp has \r\n line endings.  I fixed
> it by adding post-extract to Makefile:
> # Convert line endings before applying patch
> post-extract:
>         cd ${WRKSRC} && perl -pi -e 's/\r$$//g' shaders.cpp
> The colors now look *much* better on my macppc machine.

I've seen it when using 'make update-patches', but has totally forgotten
to join the diff as an attachment for this reason, sorry. 

> The tutorial segfaults and dumps core when I reach
> "Tiles and Tactics", press 2 to switch to Euclidean geometry, then
> press Enter to request the next slide.  I didn't build with DEBUG=-g,
> so I have no useful backtrace.

Thanks. It's consistently reproducible on amd64 as well, with the same
exact steps. The only difference is that it produces a SIGBUS. I'll see
what can i do about it, but i'm totally unsure to be able to fix it. 


> -- 
> George Koehler <kern...@gmail.com>

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