On Sat, Feb 09, 2019 at 10:50:31AM +0100, Alessandro DE LAURENZIS wrote:

Hello Alessandro,

> all in the subject... This is a gdb backtrace after e.g "Getting Started"
> (but the same thing happens whichever item I select from Help menu):

The version of Nedit in ports is 5.5, which is about 15 years old [1]. It has
bitrotted badly since and, personally, I abandoned Nedit 5 years ago due to
the increasing number of visible bugs (the one you mention is one I vaguely
remember; but there were several others).

I see from Wikipedia that there is now a 5.6 and maybe a 5.7 release (is [2]
the definitive site? I'm unsure). Maybe the new releases fix some of the
issues, although if ever a project has felt abandoned, it is Nedit :/


[1] https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-ports&m=109791544315146&w=2
[2] https://sourceforge.net/p/nedit/git/ci/master/tree/
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