On 4/5/19 7:44 AM, Edward Lopez-Acosta wrote:
Is this due to an inefficient process, technical limitation, or other reason (lack of manpower doesn't qualify as that seems self inflicted by the project)?

This wording is one of several things that led to accusations of disrespect. If I said "Are you asking about our process due to your terrible reading skills, or because you're too lazy to look on the web site, or other reason (not having time to read web pages doesn't qualify as it seems self-inflicted by your choices)", would you be inclined to answer in a good mood?

That, and the fact that you actually did somehow fail to look on the website where there are multiple presentations on the topic, shows a disrespect for the developers' time, in having to take the time away from development to answer questions that are already answered and/or that are common practice in the field (these have both been pointed out by others in this thread).

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