Hey Ports,

With go-1.12.4 in OpenBSD-CURRENT/amd64, I'm running across some
undefined symbols, and wanted to see if this is expected/known

test$ git clone https://github.com/muesli/beehive.git
test$ cd beehive
test$ gmake
# github.com/guelfey/go.dbus
undefined: syscall.Ucred
undefined: syscall.UnixCredentials
# github.com/jacobsa/go-serial/serial
undefined: openInternal
gmake: *** [Makefile:20: build] Error 2

Are these linuxisms in the go packages?  They appear to be to my untrained eye:

test$ pwd
test$ egrep 'UnixCredentials|UCred' *
creds_test.go:                  oob := syscall.UnixCredentials(&ucred)
creds_test.go:          oob := syscall.UnixCredentials(&ucred)
creds_test.go:          newUcred, err := syscall.ParseUnixCredentials(&scm[0])
creds_test.go:                  t.Fatalf("ParseUnixCredentials: %v", err)
creds_test.go:                  t.Fatalf("ParseUnixCredentials = %+v,
want %+v", newUcred, ucred)
sockcmsg_linux.go:// UnixCredentials encodes credentials into a socket
control message
sockcmsg_linux.go:func UnixCredentials(ucred *Ucred) []byte {
sockcmsg_linux.go:// ParseUnixCredentials decodes a socket control
message that contains
sockcmsg_linux.go:func ParseUnixCredentials(m *SocketControlMessage)
(*Ucred, error) {


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