On Fri, May 10, 2019 at 04:27:50PM -0700, Nam Nguyen wrote:
> I have attached a new port, pijul (https://pijul.org/). It is a
> distributed version control system written in Rust.

You should include license information for each crates. The port
infrastructure has some tool for help you in this task.

$ cd devel/pijul
$ make modcargo-gen-crates-licenses
MODCARGO_CRATES +=      MacTypes-sys    2.1.0   # MIT/APSL-2.0
MODCARGO_CRATES +=      adler32 1.0.3   # BSD-3-Clause AND Zlib
MODCARGO_CRATES +=      advapi32-sys    0.2.0   # MIT
MODCARGO_CRATES +=      aho-corasick    0.6.10  # Unlicense/MIT
MODCARGO_CRATES +=      ansi_term       0.11.0  # MIT

(and you could use `make modcargo-gen-crates' for generating initial
MODCARGO_CRATES lines from Cargo.lock).

> Tests are failing.

which tests ? and why are they failing ? should we care about them ?

> I wanted to try out the cargo ports tools.

Do you intent to use it in OpenBSD ? or it is just a test for you ?

> Light patching was needed to detect the latest libressl 2.9.1.

yes, it is expected: openssl crate follows released version of LibreSSL,
but OpenBSD -current uses a developpment version of LibreSSL.

> I am not sure how to get rid of this extra lib, as I tried with both
> `WANTLIB +=' and `WANTLIB ='.
> --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
> $ make port-lib-depends-check
> pijul-0.12.0(devel/pijul):
> Extra:  c++.2
> --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

c++ is added due to COMPILER=ports-clang usage. It automatically adds
MODULES += lang/clang.

So I think we don't bother.

Sebastien Marie

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