On Sun, Sep 22, 2019 at 11:58:56PM -0400, Kurt Mosiejczuk wrote:
> It is easily fixed by specifying MODPY_PYTEST = Yes
Adding this to my notes.

> Setuptools isn't configured by base58 to run tests. pytest figures it
> out though. (Not something I'd have expected you to know at this stage).
> All tests pass for both flavors on amd64 and sparc64.
Ok - thanks. 

> I edited the DESCR a bit. Their (base58) wording was a bit awkward. 
Oh yeah true - I should have mentioned it wasn't the best wording. I just
couldn't come up with anything better. 

> I've attached a tarball with my tweaks. They were just tweaks though.
Ok - I've checked this - looks ok and work also OK on my system.

clematis (0x7e96fd2400fe7b59)

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