> It seems that there is no msbuild executable in it.
> Is this expected?

In my opinion it's a big mess that mono deprecated xbuild without supplying a 
working msbuild with mono. That's probably because of Microsoft at the helm 
trying to aggressively merge mono with .NET core.

I used to have a draft for msbuild that worked in *some* of its uses (but not 
for building newer fsharp for example). This was also a big mess because it 
needed a big nuget data package > 1G. The package that I manually supplied went 
out of date and it looks like upstream change its distfiles (the SHA256 and 
size didn't match anymore).

If you want to take a look at the portability mess, here is where the upstream 
work happens:


And here is a (very crude) draft of mine when it worked, from before the 
distfiles got switched:


So it probably won't work, but maybe it can serve as a starting point if 
someone wants to work on this.

> If so, what is the expected way of managing packages?

There is no working package manager for .NET. You can still build (mostly 
older) solutions that don't require MSBuild, and run assemblies that don't 
require dotnet runtime.

> On a related note, the nuget- port looks for msbuild but finds
> nothing:
> $ nuget restore
> MSBuild auto-detection: using msbuild version '' from '/usr/local/bin'.
> Error parsing solution file at /home/agis/work/csharp/sandbox/hello.sln:
> Invalid Image

The uses for nuget are very limited at this point. This is from when porting 
msbuild looked more doable 9 months ago.


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