Sorry for the noise, here's a new tarball with an updated patch, nothing
else is changed:

        Ensure integer typed results from integer division with the floordiv 
        when using Python 3.  `type(int(1)/int(1))' yields "<class 'int'>" and
        "<class 'float'>" in Python 2 and 3 respectively.

        Decode ARC node names and string property values as UTF-8 to preserve 
the output
        format and fix --grep when using Python 3, e.g. print/use "value" 
instead of
        "b'value'".  Python 3 uses type "<class 'bytes'>" and does not decode
        automatically, Python 2 uses "<class 'str'>" already for everything.

        Index: tools/mdprint/

For example, show only the root node of guest 1:

        $ mdprint -g root.pri-version ./
        mdprint 1.3
        Input file
        Limiting output to
                root . { * }
        root (node 0x0) {
                content-version = "1.0"
                pri-version = "1.0"
                reset-reason = 0x0 /* 0 */
                fwd --> channel-endpoints (node 0x245)
                fwd --> cpus (node 0x14)
                fwd --> domain-services (node 0x23c)
                fwd --> ioaliases (node 0x45)
                fwd --> memory (node 0x10)
                fwd --> openboot (node 0x34)
                fwd --> phys_io (node 0x1f)
                fwd --> platform (node 0x22)
                fwd --> power-management (node 0x4e)
                fwd --> variables (node 0x2c4)
                fwd --> virtual-devices (node 0x38)

Without mdprint header, show the PRI version only but in parsable form:

        $ mdprint -q -p -g root.pri-version ./

HTML output works alike.

Feedback? OK?

Attachment: mdprint.tgz
Description: Binary data

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