On Mon Mar 30, 2020 at 3:48 PM, Omar Polo wrote:
> There's only one thing that I would like to report, as I think it's
> an error. In the default config, in the filters section, there are
> some paths that I don't expect:
> subject,~^\[PATCH=awk -f
> /usr/ports/pobj/aerc-0.3.0/fake-amd64/usr/local/share/aerc/filters/hldiff
> #text/html=/usr/ports/pobj/aerc-0.3.0/fake-amd64/usr/local/share/aerc/filters/html
> text/*=awk -f
> /usr/ports/pobj/aerc-0.3.0/fake-amd64/usr/local/share/aerc/filters/plaintext

Thanks for the report. My config generated the correct paths, but I'll
try to reproduce and fix this on my end.

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