On Thu, 14 May 2020 10:37:28 -0400, Kurt Mosiejczuk wrote:

> Attached is my counter-proposal. It seems to be just a program that is run,
> not a library, so just have it be textproc/codespell. I also had to add
> some dependencies for it to work properly. They don't list it in setup.py
> or setup.cfg but it needs devel/py-chardet as a RUN_DEPENDS and 
> devel/py-test-cov for a TEST_DEPENDS. One test also depends on it being
> already installed so I made it have a self-dependency.

That's fine, I wasn't sure whether or not it should have a py-
prefix since some python programs seem to use that too.

> Since it's not going to be py-codespell, I switched to 
> MODPY_DEFAULT_VERSION_3 rather than having the FLAVOR.

Makes sense.

Thanks for your help!

 - todd

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