
please find attached a port for the reSIProcate
(https://www.resiprocate.org/) SIP stack with STUN/TURN server and SIP
proxy/registrar server. It is an alternative to the Kamailio SIP server.

$ cat pkg/DESCR-main
The reSIProcate components, particularly the SIP stack, are in use in both
commercial and open-source products. The project is dedicated to maintaining a
complete, correct, and commercially usable implementation of SIP and a few
related protocols.

$ cat pkg/DESCR-repro
repro is an open-source, free SIP server which provides SIP proxy, registrar,
redirect, and identity services.

$ cat pkg/DESCR-reTurn
reTurn is a highly efficient C++ open-source STUN/TURN server and client
library. It is an implementation of the latest STUN/TURN RFCs: RFC5389 (STUN),
and RFC5766 (TURN).

I am using repro as SIP registrar for over 2 years now on amd64 without problems
(initial submission: https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-ports&m=150593554912043&w=2).

OK to import?

Note: I am using
855 _return             _return         telephony/resiprocate/reTurn
856 _repro              _repro          telephony/resiprocate/repro
for the moment (infrastructure/db/user.list).

Best regards,

Attachment: resiprocate.tar.gz
Description: application/tar-gz

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