
Here is a review of all submitted updates and new ports. Given the
amount of ports involved, i'm assuming i have missed some things;
more eyes will be needed :)

On Mon, 24 Aug 2020 08:00:55 +0000
wen heping wrote:

> Hi, ports@:
>     Here is a bundle of patches to update p5-Catalyst ports.
> I include all these patches into 2 file.
> 1)new-ports-for-catalyst.tar.gz
> This file include 22 new ports which required by the update of
> Catalyst: 

> www/p5-Catalyst-ActionRole-ACL
  OK cwen@

> www/p5-Catalyst-Controller-ActionRole
  OK cwen@

> www/p5-Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-HTTP
  OK cwen@ with devel/p5-Test-WWW-Mechanize-Catalyst>=0.51 as a

> www/p5-Catalyst-Model-Adaptor
  OK cwen@ with devel/p5-Test-WWW-Mechanize-Catalyst as a

> www/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-DBIC
  OK cwen@ but it needs:
  TEST_DEPENDS =        databases/p5-Catalyst-Model-DBIC-Schema \
                        databases/p5-DBD-SQLite \
                        devel/p5-Test-WWW-Mechanize-Catalyst \

> www/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-Delegate
  OK cwen@ with devel/p5-Class-Accessor added to TEST_DEPENDS

> mail/p5-Catalyst-View-Email
  OK cwen@ with www/p5-Catalyst-View-Mason added to TEST_DEPENDS

> www/p5-CatalystX-LeakChecker
  OK cwen@

> www/p5-CatalystX-InjectComponent
  OK cwen@

> www/p5-CatalystX-Profile
  OK cwen@

> www/p5-CatalystX-REPL
  OK cwen@ with devel/p5-Test-Expect added to TEST_DEPENDS

> devel/p5-Devel-LexAlias
  OK cwen@ with 'c' added to WANTLIB 

> devel/p5-Devel-REPL
  OK cwen@ with devel/p5-Data-Dumper-Concise, textproc/p5-PPI and
  devel/p5-B-Keywords added to RUN_DEPENDS

> devel/p5-MooseX-Object-Pluggable
  OK cwen@

> devel/p5-Lexical-Persistence
  OK cwen@; we could add "MAKE_ENV += TEST_POD=Yes"

> devel/p5-Devel-StackTrace-WithLexicals
  OK cwen@ with different DESCR because the current one is IMO too
  The Devel::StackTrace module contains two classes, Devel::StackTrace
  and Devel::StackTrace::Frame. These objects encapsulate the
  information that can retrieved via Perl's caller function, as well as
  providing a simple interface to this data.

> devel/p5-Carp-REPL
  OK cwen@

> www/p5-HTML-FormHandler
  This misses a devel/p5-Data-Clone port as hinted by the cpan/ one
  found in the port Makefile. I created one with portgen, but then
  i've found out that i needed the following to complete the tests:
  TEST_DEPENDS +=         converters/p5-JSON \
                          devel/p5-Config-Any \
                          devel/p5-Type-Tiny \
                          devel/p5-YAML-Syck \

> www/p5-CatalystX-SimpleLogin
  OK cwen@; There is one skipped test but i'm fine with it because it
  would require even more new ports and dependencies 

> devel/p5-MooseX-RelatedClassRoles
  OK cwen@

> www/p5-HTML-FormFu-MultiForm
  OK cwen@ with devel/p5-YAML-XS and not textproc/p5-YAML-LibYAML

> textproc/p5-YAML-LibYAML
  There are conflicts with p5-YAML-XS. In all that Catalyst update, it's
  only needed by www/p5-HTML-FormFu-MultiForm, actually requiring
  YAML::XS, provided by the existing devel/p5-YAML-XS. This port is not

> 2) catalyst.diff.txt
> This is the patch to update 16 exist Catalyst ports:
(depends have been tested as well)

> www/p5-Catalyst-Runtime
  OK cwen@ with that change:
  TEST_DEPENDS=   devel/p5-Term-Size-Any \
                  devel/p5-Test-Fatal \
                  devel/p5-Test-WWW-Mechanize-Catalyst \
                  devel/p5-Type-Tiny \
                  www/p5-Catalyst-Action-REST \
                  www/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-ConfigLoader \

> www/p5-Catalyst-Devel
  OK cwen@

> devel/catalyst
  - www/p5-Catalyst-Manual should be devel/p5-Catalyst-Manual
  - www/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-StackTrace should be
  - www/p5-Catalyst-View-TT should be textproc/p5-Catalyst-View-TT

> textproc/p5-Catalyst-View-TT
  OK cwen@ once pkg/DESCR has its trailing whitespaces removed

> security/p5-Catalyst-Authentication-Store-DBIx-Class
  OK cwen@ with databases/p5-DBD-SQLite added as a TEST_DEPENDS

> www/p5-Catalyst-Controller-HTML-FormFu
  OK cwen@

> devel/p5-Catalyst-Manual
  OK cwen@
> databases/p5-Catalyst-Model-DBI
  OK cwen@

> databases/p5-Catalyst-Model-DBIC-Schema
  OK cwen@ with devel/p5-MooseX-Types-LoadableClass added as a
  RUN_DEPENDS, and pkg/DESCR trailing whitespaces removed

> security/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication
  OK cwen@, failing tests are about deprecated features and the current
  version in CVS fails similarly.

> www/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Cache
  OK cwen@, with devel/p5-Class-Accessor  added to RUN_DEPENDS; the
  changelog is not coherent with what it is for real, see RT#130217

> www/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-ConfigLoader
  OK cwen@

> devel/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-StackTrace
  OK cwen@; we could add devel/p5-Term-Size-Any to TEST_DEPENDS
> www/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-SubRequest
  OK cwen@ with pkg/DESCR trailing whitespaces removed (and reflowed)

> textproc/p5-Catalyst-View-TT
  OK cwen@ with pkg/DESCR trailing whitespaces removed

> devel/p5-Test-WWW-Mechanize-Catalyst
  OK cwen@; we could add devel/p5-Term-Size-Any to TEST_DEPENDS

>     All build well and all tests excerpt for two passed on my
> amd64-current system.
> Cheers !
> wen

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